A Good Friend for Bad Times: Helping Others through Grief explains some of the reasons grieving people behave in certain ways, and provides suggestions for helping your friend cope as death approaches, and up to a year after the death. Religious, cultural, and regional differences are explained. This book includes special considerations for death by catastrophe and helping children cope with death. Also included are discussions about abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, suicide, AIDS, Alzheimer’s and other illnesses. Suggestions for helping a friend through the loss of a pet are included. A detailed resource guide is included. Available through Pomegranate Books, Wilmington, NC, www.pombooks.net and on Amazon in paperback, kindle, and in German.
County Lines: My short story is published in County Lines: A Literary Journal of the Franklin County Arts Council Writers Guild, Vol. 8, 2021. Spanning from the 1930s to the 1990s, this story invites readers to cherish true connection among neighbors, a way of life now gone, and to honor what family really means.

Photograph by Cynthia Sedgwick
Mending Nets

A Talisman From Poseidon

Where I’m From: Seven Decades In Seven Scenes

Taking Up a Poundin

The Coyote’s Journey

Sunday Fatback

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