Learning about topics you’ve asked me to discuss is so easy! My courses are taught via teleconference, so all you do in dial in to the telephone number I give you when you register from wherever you are in the world. You listen to me and your classmates, and join in the conversation (or not) whenever you like! All of my courses are taught beginning at 8 pm EASTERN time.
You asked me to teach you how to create altars and rituals, and how to work with candles and essential oils and herbs. So join me for a THREE-SESSION course on three consecutive Tuesday nights, beginning September 11. By the end of the course, you will have created your own altar, a ritual, and will have worked with candle energy. You can get details and registration by clicking here:
You asked me for more information about how to really communicate with your Spirit Guides and Animal Guides – how to know who they are, how best to talk with them, how to recognize signs. How do you know the voice you hear belongs to your Spirit Guide and not yourself? How do you know that your Animal Guide is speaking to you? What is the message? I’ll answer these questions and many more in this information-packed introductory course scheduled for Monday, September 17. You can get details and registration information by clicking here:
You asked me to share with you how I have made Halloween a sacred holiday at my house. In this course, you’ll learn how to balance the fun of Halloween with the sacredness of the old holiday called Samhain – how to honor your loved ones across the veil and so much more! Join me on Tuesday, October 2! You can get details and registration information by clicking here:
I so hope these courses speak to you and would be honored to have you join me.