ocracoke sparkleAccording to Robert Wilkinson on his great website: “Over the next 4 weeks, the New Moon in Aquarius introduces us to a time of accepting a greater vision of how we can contribute to our world wherever we have Aquarius in our charts. Idealism, vision, and intuition is sky high, and we’re about to get some highly specialized visions, insights, and opportunities. Show appreciation and it will yield huge dividends.

This New Moon in Aquarius will help us to be productive as we confront a huge turning point wherever we have late Leo and early Sagittarius in our charts, and will put our Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces sectors at a fork in the road of major importance. After last month’s pressure, this month yields understanding, connections, and the ability to take all the pieces up to now and synthesize them into a greater vision.”


On Tuesday, January 20, the Sun enters Aquarius at 4:43 am EST and the New Moon occurs at 8:14 am EST.   This New Moon gives us a great opportunity to take stock of how we can help make the world a better place, and Aquarius helps us to understand our connection to all that is.

If you’re still trying to settle into your New Year’s resolutions, this New Moon will assist you in solidifying your intentions, particularly if they include offering more gratitude and being kinder (two of mine!).

So take a moment sometime during your day, to breathe and to be grateful, to rededicate your promises to yourself, and to offer love to the world around you. Remember that when the Moon is new, we can’t actually see her in the sky.  For me, this day is always a lesson about faith in knowing and trusting the universe!

Blessed be,


ps – if you’d like to have your natal astrology created, see the “charts” section of my website! AND there’s a great download-able course on working with the cycles of the Moon under the “courses” section of my website!

Photo: Deb Bowen