PowerOf3I’m so excited about my upcoming “Reincarnation and What It Means To You” workshop Saturday, February 22, 6-8 pm at Mystic Elements, Wilmington, NC.  Cost is only $30.  Call Mystic Elements at (910) 799-1001 to register.  We’ve had lots of requests for this workshop, so register quickly!  Learn what your past lives teach you in this lifetime!

009My monthly column “Deb’s Psychic Musings” appears monthly on the Port City Paranormal website (www.portcityparanormal.com).  January’s column is posted, and February’s column will be up this week.  I’m honored to be a part of this paranormal investigation team!  Check them out! You can also see the column on my website.  Click the “Home” button and then the “Deb In the News” button.

StarNewsPicDave Schrader, host of Darkness Radio out of Minnesota, read the Star-News article about me in its entirety on-air a couple of weeks ago.  You can also hear it on my website.  Click the “Home” button and then the “Deb In the News” button.

Finally, I am honored that so many of you have requested readings and regression sessions.  The spiritual coaching clients with whom Samantha Fey and I work are such a blessing to us – what a joy it is to watch your spiritual paths blossom!

Blessed be,
