
Home/Tag: Labyrinth

Change Your Life by Walking the Labyrinth? Perhaps!

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00May 17th, 2016|Latest News|

Come walk the labyrinth with me.  I promise you nothing.  But there’s a chance you will be changed forever.  That has been true for me:  You may find answers to questions you didn't know how to ask.  You may release that which no longer serves you.   You may find joy and peace and comfort.  You [...]

Start Your New Year with Spirit!

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00January 3rd, 2016|Latest News|

“The irony is this: if you don’t go in, you can’t find out” are words on a very old t-shirt I own.  This has been a guiding mantra in my life for many years.  I am forever going within myself, searching for answers to questions I sometimes don’t even know I have, or don’t know [...]

Labyrinths: Inward Journey, Meditation Tool

By |2016-12-27T15:28:12+00:00April 28th, 2015|Latest News|

One of the most enduring and ancient symbols of sacred geometry is the labyrinth.  There are three stages in walking a labyrinth: to shed or purge, to find illumination, and to reach union with all that is sacred and divine.  When I need guidance, I walk a labyrinth.  The answer always comes.  When I need [...]

Why Sacred Geometry Matters in Your Life!

By |2016-12-27T15:28:12+00:00April 24th, 2015|Latest News|

I told my eighth grade geometry teacher that the only reason I needed geometry was to lay carpet, and I could hire somebody to do that.  Gracious, was I wrong!  Over the years I have become a "math for mystics" geek.  Here's why. Our lives are so surrounded by sacred geometry that we often take [...]

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