A partial solar eclipse occurs with the New Moon of July 12 in Cancer. A total lunar eclipse occurs with the Full Moon of July 27 in Aquarius. The lunar eclipse makes for a “blood moon,” the longest lasting one of the 21st century.
As I write this blogpost, Neptune, Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde. Mercury goes retrograde on July 25, Uranus on August 7, and Venus on October 5.
Jupiter went direct on July 10, the only planet (from Earth’s perspective) to be heading in the “right” direction for some time to come! Oh, and if you’re superstitious, July 13 is Friday!
While these astrological events mean something different for each of us, depending on our individual astrological charts, there is some common ground for all of us, and that’s the focus of this blogpost.
As the Moon appears to grow smaller (wane) in the sky toward being New, now is the time for releasing, for letting go of old behaviors, thoughts and feelings that are not for our highest good. Because the Moon is New on July 12 in the sign of Cancer, it is particularly helpful to release old emotions, since the water sign Cancer is so closely tied to emotions.
Before Thursday, you might want to write, on small slips of paper, what you need to release, and then burn the papers in a fire-proof container. As the slips of paper burn, ask Source (by whatever name you use) to help you truly release those behaviors, emotions, and thoughts so that there is room in your life for incoming good.
When planets are in retrograde, we’re given an opportunity to slow down, to take stock of who we are, to assess – and take care – how we behave, think and feel. With so many planets either in retrograde or moving into retrograde shadows, and fueled by the power that we are given as a result of each eclipse, this is an excellent time to make decisions about the next phase of your life.
Use this time between the waning of the Moon and the full Moon on July 27 to plan how you will bring more joy, love and kindness into your life. That will be the time for manifesting.
And if you’re ready to take the next step, to delve more deeply into your spiritual journey, I’d love to have you join me in my upcoming course: “Igniting Your Divine Flame: What To Do When You’re Off Your Path.” It’s available via teleconference from wherever you are in the world. This three-session course begins August 9. Details and registration here: https://debbowen.com/product/igniting-your-divine-flame-what-to-do-when-youre-off-your-path/
So, when you read lots of conflicting information about the eclipses, the retrograde planets, the new and full moon (and even Friday the 13th), remember that YOU have the power to make choices that affect your life – and the lives of those around you – for positive outcomes!
Blessed be,
Text and photo copyright 2018 Deb Bowen. All rights reserved.