Deb Bowen

About Deb Bowen

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So far Deb Bowen has created 277 blog entries.

Holiday Giveaways In Gratitude for YOU!

By |2016-12-27T15:28:17+00:00November 22nd, 2013|Latest News|

Follower's Appreciation MONTH! I'm so grateful for my connection with you!  To show my appreciation for you during the holidays, I'd like to send you my new "Many Paths To Meditation" CD, which teaches you six meditation techniques (a $20 value)!  Here's all you have to do: 1.  Follow my blogs via email at the bottom [...]

Tarot: The Empress – Key 3

By |2016-12-27T15:28:17+00:00November 22nd, 2013|Tarot Blog|

 The Empress is Mother Earth. She is fertility, pregnant with new life, new creativity, new pathways to intuition. She is the High Priestess coming into her own. She represents Venus, the Goddess of Love. She is Isis unveiled.  Wearing the white of purity and the red of passion, she is Mother of balance and harmony. [...]

Tarot: High Priestess – Key 2

By |2016-12-27T15:28:17+00:00November 16th, 2013|Tarot Blog|

The High Priestess is the first of the Major Arcana cards to clearly be male or female. She is the virgin daughter of the moon, representing the potentiality of the Divine Feminine. She is the manifestation of Isis in her maiden, or untried, form. She is spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination. Where The Fool and The [...]

Tarot: The Magician – Key 1

By |2016-12-27T15:28:17+00:00November 10th, 2013|Tarot Blog|

 The Magician represents strength of will, creative talents and organizational skills. How many of us pledged to undertake creative endeavors, get organized, and be determined and steadfast in our resolutions this year? I know those are some of my resolutions, and here we are, nearly at the end of the year.  How much did I [...]

Wonderful Upcoming News!

By |2016-12-27T15:28:17+00:00November 3rd, 2013|Latest News|

Welcome to my new website!  It's lovely and user-friendly, especially for viewing on your phone.  Blessings to Beth White, of About Time Online ( for her creativity and patience!  The Latest News section of my website replaces my cumbersome newsletter, so come often for updates!  Check out the Events and Calendar sections for schedules and [...]

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