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Weddings and Handfastings

By |2016-12-27T15:28:15+00:00May 13th, 2014|Latest News|

Are you looking for the perfect officiant for your wedding or handfasting ceremony? I'm ordained to perform weddings in North Carolina, and would be honored to officiate at your ceremony.  My philosophy is very simple:  it's your ceremony, these are your vows, and I'll work with you for your big day to be absolutely perfectly [...]

Vesica Pisces

By |2016-12-27T15:28:15+00:00May 13th, 2014|Latest News|

Vesica pisces is one of the building blocks of sacred geometry.  The term is Latin, meaning “the vessel of the fish”.  The two overlapping circles of equal size, with each circumference piercing the center of the other, create a mandorla, or almond shape, between them.  When the circles are drawn on top of each other, [...]

The “Holiest Place on Earthe”

By |2016-12-27T15:28:15+00:00May 4th, 2014|Latest News|

Glastonbury or Avalon? Holy Grail or Holy Sword or Holy Thorn tree? Sacred Quest or Sacred Well? Merlin or Morgan Le Fey? Arthur or The Lady of the Lake? The Tor or the Abbey? The Road to Camelot? The treacherous steps to Tintagel? Whether you follow the Christian or the Pagan tradition, or believe something [...]

Ghosts and Reincarnation

By |2016-12-27T15:28:15+00:00May 4th, 2014|Latest News|

Do ghosts reincarnate? Check out my answer in my latest blog on Port City Paranormal's website at  You also can visit the "About Deb" page on this website and click on the link to Port City Paranormal's website from there. I'll be speaking about all things paranormal and spiritual at the June PCP meeting. [...]

Easy-to-follow Self Study Courses

By |2016-12-27T15:28:16+00:00April 20th, 2014|Latest News|

Want to increase your intuitive and psychic skills?  Learn the meaning of numbers in your life? Protect yourself and your home from energy vampires?  Learn the amazing power in working with the number 3?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, check out the MP3  files available on my Store page! "Discover the [...]

Friday, April 25: Explore the Mysteries of Paganism

By |2016-12-27T15:28:16+00:00April 20th, 2014|Latest News|

Explore the Mysteries Of Paganism in History and Today! Friday, April 25, 6 – 8 pm; $35 Call Mystic Elements (910) 799-1001 to register! This workshop focuses on Celtic paganism – its origins, history, and practice in today’s world. We’ll explore the Wheel of the Year and the neo-pagan beliefs of today. You’ll be given [...]

Earth Day and Beltane Musings

By |2016-12-27T15:28:16+00:00April 20th, 2014|Latest News|

Earth Day is this coming Tuesday, April 22 and the pagan holiday of Beltane occurs on May 1. "Make every day Earth Day" sums up my feelings about commemorating Earth Day.  More than renew-reuse-recycle, we need to think about what we buy in the first place.  Here's an example: what good is it to buy [...]

What Tuesday’s Blood Moon and Eclipse Mean For YOU!

By |2016-12-27T15:28:16+00:00April 13th, 2014|Latest News|

This is a very busy week astrologically: the first Full Moon (called a Blood Moon this month) after the Vernal Equinox, Pluto goes retrograde about four hours before a total lunar eclipse begins on Tuesday, April 15 at 3:42 am, and a Grand Cardinal Cross appears in the sky! The term Blood Moon is used [...]

Holy Week Thoughts from a Different Point of View

By |2016-12-27T15:28:16+00:00April 13th, 2014|Latest News|

For many years I have gathered with friends to celebrate the Seder meal on the first night of the Jewish Feast of the Passover.  One of my favorite holidays, Passover speaks to Jewish and non-Jewish folks alike in its beautiful message of hope and endurance.  Over the years my friends and I have made additions [...]

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