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Within Your Darkness Lies Your Hope

By |2018-12-20T19:20:17+00:00December 20th, 2018|Latest News|

I invite you to embrace the darkness.  Embrace the stillness that can only come from the depth of those dark places within you. On a cold night recently, I stood on my porch, enveloped in soft darkness, penetrated only by sparkling stars.  All was silent.  There was no wind.  The tide was low and the [...]

Circling Toward Wisdom in the New Year

By |2018-12-05T16:26:25+00:00December 5th, 2018|Latest News|

When I send birthday cards to friends, I often write, “May you learn next year’s lessons gently.”  I forget that, while I think of time as linear, it’s really a circle, a wheel of evolution and revelation.  I’ve also learned – and continue to learn – that requests we send out to the Universe often [...]

Wisdom of the Sages: Turning the Wheel of Discovery… and more!

By |2018-11-19T18:16:58+00:00November 19th, 2018|Latest News|

“And learn to winter-appreciate before winter comes” is a line from a poem written by a friend who long ago crossed over.  Reading these words during this darkening time of the year makes me want to curl up with a cup of tea and contemplate the mysteries of the universe and my place in it. [...]

Date Changes for Fall Courses – Space Still Available!

By |2018-09-25T12:15:51+00:00September 25th, 2018|Latest News|

Because of Hurricane Florence, I've had to change the dates for my fall courses.  I so hope you'll join me!  All courses are taught over the telephone, so you can join from anywhere in the world!  Details and registration information here: Monday October 1: How To Connect with your Spirit Guide and Animal Guide [...]

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Courses You’ve Asked Me To Teach Coming in September!

By |2018-08-29T20:36:50+00:00August 29th, 2018|Latest News|

Learning about topics you've asked me to discuss is so easy! My courses are taught via teleconference, so all you do in dial in to the telephone number I give you when you register from wherever you are in the world.  You listen to me and your classmates, and join in the conversation (or not) [...]

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Twists and Turns on Your Spiritual Path

By |2018-08-03T15:13:58+00:00August 3rd, 2018|Latest News|

Are you at a crossroads in your life? Does your flame of hope still guide your path? Are you on the path you're meant to be on?  Do you often look back on your spiritual journey and wonder, "How in the world did I get to this moment?"  What were the turning points, those pivot [...]

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YOU and Retrogrades, Eclipses and Moon Phases!

By |2018-07-09T16:50:26+00:00July 9th, 2018|Latest News|

A partial solar eclipse occurs with the New Moon of July 12 in Cancer.  A total lunar eclipse occurs with the Full Moon of July 27 in Aquarius.  The lunar eclipse makes for a "blood moon," the longest lasting one of the 21st century. As I write this blogpost, Neptune, Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are [...]

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August Is YOUR Month To Shine and Grow!

By |2018-07-05T19:02:34+00:00July 5th, 2018|Latest News|

I'm so excited to announce new ways in which I can be of service to you during August.  As your thoughts turn toward back-to-school time, it's the perfect time for you to think about what you WANT to learn for yourself! First, available via telephone conference from ANYWHERE in the world is this exciting new [...]

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A New Relationship with Time as the Wheel Spins

By |2018-06-20T20:09:20+00:00June 20th, 2018|Latest News|

As the Summer Solstice arrives, I am meditating about time, and how I think and feel about time.  At this holiday, I’m beginning a new relationship with time. Time.  Do you ever think about your relationship with time?  If you’re like me, you never have enough time.  You’re always running out of time.  Time slips [...]

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Honoring Cycles in Your Life: The Wheel of the Year

By |2018-05-24T19:09:34+00:00May 24th, 2018|Latest News|

  EIGHT-SESSION Interactive Teleconference Course! Tuesdays, 8:00 - 9:30 pm EASTERN TIME June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 10, 17, 24, 31 Only $295.00   Here's what you'll learn in this exciting interactive course: * How the cycling of the seasons can become a part of your tradition * How to create celebrations and rituals [...]

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