EIGHT-SESSION Interactive Teleconference Course!
Tuesdays, 8:00 – 9:30 pm EASTERN TIME
June 5, 12, 19, 26,
July 10, 17, 24, 31

Only $295.00


Here’s what you’ll learn in this exciting interactive course:

* How the cycling of the seasons can become a part of your tradition
* How to create celebrations and rituals
* Why “casting a circle” has deeper meaning than you think!
* How to honor the energies of the four compass directions
* How to connect with the five elements
* Arts and crafts projects to deepen your connection to Spirit
* History and lore of the Celtic beliefs of the Wheel of the Year

Click here to register:

We’ll begin this course by honoring the Summer Solstice, then move through the additional seven stations of the Wheel of the Year through both solar and cross-quarter holidays.  Guided by a Celtic perspective and our deep connection to the land, we discuss the mythology, legends and modern practices that light our path throughout the changing seasons of the year.

If you’ve wanted to know more about earth-based spirituality, this course is for you!  It’s easy – you just call in each week to a US telephone number, and join classmates from around the world.

You’ll get great handouts and exercises each week.

I so hope you’ll join me!
