Moon Magic and More: Working with Moon Cycles To Enhance Your Daily Life with Moon Energy

Currently unavailable - back soon!

Deep down inside, you know you feel the pull of the Moon as she courses the sky.  But do you know why? This exciting new booklet takes you through the cycles of the Moon throughout a month and a year.  The booklet offers you a looking glass through which you can assess what you really need and want in your life.  Then, you can work with Moon energy to manifest what we need and banish that which no longer serves you.  And sooo much more!

In this PDF-format booklet, you’ll learn:
  • The cycle of the Moon through its nine monthly phases
  • How to work with each phase for manifesting or banishing
  • Moon energy in its feminine manifestation
  • Lunar names and their meanings from many world cultures
  • Myths and legends about the Moon and how they affect us today
  • How to work with Moon energy and your Chakra system
  • How to create New and Full Moon Rituals
  • Ways you can work with Moon-infused water for many magical practices
  • And so much more!
All you need do is order the booklet by clicking on the "Cart" button. When I receive your order, I’ll send the PDF to the email from which you placed your order! Please note: please allow 24 hours during weekdays, until Monday afternoon if you order Friday-Sunday, and 48 hours during a holiday for me to email the PDF to you. The PDF is NOT sent automatically from my website.  Also, please check your spam/junk folder if you don't see if after the allotted time. Thanks!