daffodilsCreating Your Spiritual Garden

Saturday, March 28

9 – 11 am

Mystic Elements

Cost: Only $35

 To register, please call Mystic Elements: (910) 799-1001

Bring: a sketch or photo of the space you want to design, colored pencils or markers, paper, and a ruler.

Pssst:  garden fairies are real!  Learn how to request gardening assistance from the Devic realm (Spirits of the Plant Kingdom) in this workshop designed for both green and brown thumbs, the beginner and the master!

You can create an organic garden full of fragrance, beauty, and sound that becomes your sacred space.  Even if you have a small patio, a container garden can provide the elements you need, year round, to enhance your meditation practice and get you in tune with the natural world around you.

The workshop focuses on communicating with Plant Spirits and balancing the four elements of earth, air, water, and fire.  We will explore a variety of gardens, including butterfly gardens, Southern traditional, medicinal herb gardens, and night-blooming/white gardens.  We’ll also discuss gardening by moon phases, using Lasagna gardening to eliminate weeds (if you believe in weeds!), and the wonders of fish emulsion and Ivory soap!