sunset1I love both the darkness and the light at the Winter Solstice time.

I love the symbol of light found in so many world beliefs during this darkest time of the year.  For thousands of years, Pagans have celebrated the longest night of the year with blazing Yule logs and the symbol of the Sun King returning.  Christians celebrate December 25 the day of the coming of their Son King.  Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights celebrates the miracle of God providing enough oil in lamps as the people labored to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem in eight days.

For me, this time of darkness is a time of going within, of seeking answers to spiritual questions, and finding answers in the stillness of the dark.  I love the long shadows cast by the setting sun and the winter moon.  I love the brilliant stars on a cold winter’s night.  I love the silence, broken only by the cry of an owl.

I also love the light returning, the days lengthening so slowly toward the budding of spring.  I love those moments when I find the light within myself, and I rejoice.

This is a time of finding balance within myself – a time of honoring the stillness of the dark shadows, and a time of celebrating the light that lives within me.

Amid the hustle and bustle of parties and shopping and time with families and friends, I invite you to find time to be still.  To breathe.  To go within.  I invite you to go outside and watch the sun set over water, or behind naked trees, stark against the dusk.  I invite you to go outside and look up at the stars.

Most of all, I invite you to rejoice in the coming of the Light, the spinning of the Wheel of Year, where we learn what we truly treasure in life.

Happy holidays to you and yours!


(Photo: Deb Bowen)