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Mystical Doings with Deb

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00April 28th, 2016|Latest News|

Join me for the following wonderful activities and events at Mystic Elements! Saturday, April 30, 11 am - 4 pm I'm offering intuitive readings.  Cost is only $45 for a 20-minute reading (regular price is $90 for 30 minutes)!  I rarely offer in-person readings, so register quickly! Saturday, April 30, 6 - 8 pm Mystic [...]

Beltane: To Nourish Body, Heart, Spirit

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00April 25th, 2016|Latest News|

Throughout the Northern Hemisphere now is the time for planting seeds that bring forth food, flowers, and trees that feed our bodies, hearts and souls.  For millennia, those living close to Mother Earth have blessed the seeds and fields, and prayed for strong crops and an abundant harvest. In pagan cultures, particularly in Europe, this [...]

Pagan Meetup Saturday, April 23 at Mystic Elements

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00April 19th, 2016|Latest News|

Monthly Pagan Meetup!!!! Want to…… Connect with like-minded people?                                          Learn more about the history and practices of various pagan paths? Explore pagan books, music, and rituals? Be mentored by a long-time practicing pagan? Then this group is [...]

Being an Earth Steward the Old-Fashioned Way

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00April 14th, 2016|Latest News|

I am both humbled and overwhelmed by my responsibility to this little plot of Mother Earth I call home.  And grateful - beyond grateful am I. It's hard work to reclaim land that has laid fallow for almost three years, as I have focused energy elsewhere. I am grateful to the Devic Realm and the [...]

How To Survive and Thrive As an Empath Workshop at Mystic Elements

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00April 5th, 2016|Latest News|

If you think you're an empath, you probably are!  Join me to learn the hallmarks of empathy, and, more important, how you can thrive in a world that weighs on your shoulders every day.  We'll discuss ways you can protect yourself in a world that demands too much of you! This Friday - April 8, [...]

Spring Cleaning and Grace Given

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00March 30th, 2016|Latest News|

As I write this, Mama and Daddy Cardinal are building a nest in the Camellia bush outside my office window.  Azaleas bloom in a riot of color. The Ornamental Cherry and Pear trees have already flowered and leafed, and the Dogwoods and Sweet Betsy aren't far behind.  Tight buds are appearing on the roses.  Three [...]

Renew You!

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00March 22nd, 2016|Latest News|

As Mother Nature begins the process of renewing herself in spring, we, too, can renew ourselves.  The Vernal Equinox gives us an opportunity to reflect on the need for balance in our lives.  Twice each year, at the spring and autumn equinoxes, we have a moment in which everything on the planet can be in [...]

Deb’s March Events at Mystic Elements!

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00March 4th, 2016|Latest News|

Spring into the season with these Mystic Elements offerings! Saturday, March 5: Psychic Meetup Group  9:30 -11:00 am  $25 This monthly group is for people who are new to working with their psychic gifts.  You’ll meet like-minded people, learn ways to develop your skills, try new techniques, learn to open and close your abilities, explore [...]

Lakota Creation Story with Steve Tamayo

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00February 25th, 2016|Latest News|

Lakota Creation Story: How We Are All Related Steve Tamayo, BFA Member of the Sicangu Brule Lakota Sunday, February 28      9 am – Noon $45 (includes costs of materials) Call Mystic Elements to Register (910) 799-1001 Steve is a dynamic speaker and teacher.  In addition to learning much about Lakota beliefs and culture, and the [...]

Pagan Meetup This Saturday!

By |2016-12-27T15:28:09+00:00February 24th, 2016|Latest News|

Monthly Pagan Meetup!!!! Want to…… Connect with like-minded people? Learn more about the history and practices of various pagan paths? Explore pagan books, music, and rituals? Be mentored by a long-time practicing pagan? Then this group is for you!!! Facilitated by Deb Bowen Saturday, February 27, 2016 9:30 – 11:00 am at Mystic Elements  Cost: $15 [...]

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