Tarot, Chakras, Auras, Spirit Guides, Spirit Animals, Empathy, Energy, Vibrations, and more are the topics of my exciting courses offered in September.  These are some of the topics you asked me to teach, and I’m honored to do so!

All four courses are taught in a telephone conference format – you simply dial in to the conference telephone number I’ll send you when you register.  You’ll be connected with kindred spirits from around the world who share your interest and thirst for knowledge, and you’ll get great handouts!

Unlocking the Mysteries of Tarot: A Three-Week Intensive Course provides you with the basics to work with true Tarot.  You’ll learn the meaning of the Major Arcana cards and the four suits of the Minor Arcana.  You’ll learn about the history and ethics of reading Tarot, as well as the mythology and culture behind the cards. We’ll discuss various spreads and you’ll have practice readings in class and in homework.  I’ve been reading Tarot since 1983 and am honored to share the wonders of Tarot with you!  Click here for details and registration:

Your Chakras, Aura, and Etheric Body – What They Can Do for YOU!  This information-packed intensive one-session course teaches you the reason it’s so important to balance, align, spin and open and close your chakra system.  You’re learn corresponding crystals, colors and vibrations, and the meaning behind each major chakra.  You’ll explore your Auric field and learn protection techniques for your aura and your etheric body.  Click here for details and registration:



Empathy, Energy and Vibrating at a Higher Frequency offers you an in-depth look at what empathy really is all about, and how to protect yourself against energy vampires.  In this one-session course you’ll learn how science meets spirituality in working with energy fields and how to raise your vibration to better connect with Spirit. Click here for details and registration:


Spirit Guides and Animal Guides: Meeting and Connecting with Them offers you many ways to communicate with your Guides in this one-session course.  Who are they? Why are they with you? You’ll learn the answer to these questions and more! You know they’re around you – learn how to stay in touch with them and interpret signs and symbols they send you every day.  Click here for details and registration.


Want to take all three of the one-session courses listed above?  You can receive a discount if you register for all of them!  Much of the information presented in each course is supported by, and expands upon, information presented in others.  I hope you’ll consider all three.  Click here for details and registration:


Always please know that I am honored in your trust in me and my courses.  I look forward to working with you!
