We are a web of light, glowing, shining, beaming the path for ourselves and others to tread as we move toward wholeness.  We are the keepers of ancient knowledge, lodged in our bodies and our psyches.  We have suffered.  We have rejoiced.  We have loved.  We are the ones we have been waiting for.

We are the Crones – the wise ones.

We are all the ones who came before us for thousands and thousands of years.  We are ourselves.  Right now.  This moment.  Whole and complete and a dancing vision of All That Is.  We are all the ones who will come after us for thousands and thousands of years.  We hold Gaia – Mother Earth – in our hands and must offer Her up to our sons and daughters in all her radiant beauty and health.

We are the Crones – the wise ones.

We are Everywoman.  We are whole and complete in and of ourselves.  We have been – and are yet – every symbol of the divine feminine.  We are Artemis, Hesta, Demeter, Persephone, Hecate and a thousand others who call to us across the ages to embrace ourselves, to love ourselves, to know our power and to use it for good.

We are the Crones – the wise ones.

And yet, we often feel powerless.  We accept the societal norms that we are old, dried up, useless, out of touch, sick, at the end of our days.  Nonsense!  We are vital, alert, learning, growing, teaching, loving beings, and life is new and exciting every day.

We are the Crones – the wise ones.

I ask you for one afternoon – about three and a half hours – to give yourself permission to explore the You that you have become, and the You that you can grow to be.  Join me on Sunday, May 5, from 1 – 4:30 pm at Mystic Elements in Wilmington, North Carolina, as we celebrate Cronehood in ourselves and others.  You can register here: https://mysticelements.com/workshops/croning-ceremony-with-deb-bowen/

We will talk.  We will create an altar together.  We will make crowns, and we will crown ourselves Crones – the wise ones.

Blessed be,

Text copyright 2019 Deb Bowen.  Photo copyright Susan Bollinger 2018. All rights reserved.