Services Catalog2016-12-27T15:28:08+00:00


New Hanover, Pender or Brunswick County?  Please consider signing up for one of our local events.  Many are held at Mystic Elements on Wrightsville Avenue in Wilmington, NC.  Others are held at UNCW, Pomegranate Books, Poplar Grove, and other venues in the Wilmington area.  If you are not able to attend one of our workshops, many titles can be downloaded with audio and handouts.

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Latest News…

The Wheel Turns and I Offer Gratitude

By |July 28th, 2022|Categories: Latest News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As I write this blogpost, we’re in the energy of the new Leo Moon.  In my tradition, this is a time for setting intentions for what we need, or would like, to bring into our [...]

Spring: Time for Deep Connection

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“And I am awaiting perpetually and forever a renaissance of wonder.” – poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, who died at 101 last year, said, and as we honor National Poetry Month. Maundy Thursday.  Good Friday.  Passover begins [...]

The Quickening: Life Renewing Itself at Imbolc

By |January 31st, 2022|Categories: Latest News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Imbolc asks us to wake up, to pay attention. Imbolc marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox and represents the quickening of Mother Earth, when life stirs deep within the [...]




I am blessed to be a gifted psychic. I have offered intuitive readings to thousands around the globe since 1983. I also offer Natal Astrology Charts, Numerology Charts, and Animal Guide readings. I give readings via telephone, and online. I offer telephone duo-readings with Samantha Fey, a talented medium.

Click here to learn more and to schedule your reading.



Spiritual Coaching

Do you want to delve more deeply into your life’s purpose? Know more about your Spirit Guides? Strengthen your intuitive ability? Spiritual Coaching can help you with these and other spiritual issues in your life. I offer this service with Samantha Fey.

Click here to learn more and to schedule your sessions![/two_third_last]



Intuitive Business Coaching

Do you want to develop or grow your psychic or intuitive business?  Learn how to attract clients that are right for you? Create a marketing plan that really works? Samantha Fey and I can teach you how!

Click to learn more and to schedule your sessions.[/two_third_last]



Past Life Regression

Learn how events, emotions, and people in your past lives impact your life today.  More important, learn how to release those painful emotions so that your life today is rich and full.  Sessions are conducted over the telephone.

Click here to learn more and to schedule your session.[/two_third_last]



Easy Audio Workshops (courses for download)

My ever-expanding catalog of audio workshops in MP3 format with detailed handouts teach you how to develop your psychic ability, how to create psychic protection, avoid energy vampires, do your own numerology charts, and much more.

Click here to learn more and to order.[/two_third_last]



Meditation CDs

My catalog of lovely CDs sooth and relax you while teaching easy meditation techniques, ways to balance and align your chakras, and how to take care of yourself while caring for others.

Click here to learn more and to order.[/two_third_last]



Sacred Rituals

Weddings, Handfastings, Baby Blessings, Releasing the Spirit Ceremonies for Pets, Rites of Passage Ceremonies for Teens and Crones.  I am an ordained minister and love officiating at these ceremonies!  I’m happy to create a ceremony for you, or work with your ideas.   Click here to learn more or email me at deb.bowen.crone@gmail.com for additional information and prices.





For many years, I have facilitated spiritual retreats through my Croneworks organization.  I’m happy to bring any of these retreats to your area, or create a retreat just for you and your group.  Below is a sampling of available retreat offerings:

Practical Spirituality: Creating Peace in Ourselves, Our Work, Our World
Claiming Home: A Day of Sacred Connection with Your Spirit
Wild Woman Finds Home
The Courage of Spirit
Spiral To The Dream
Rituals and Altars




PsychicTeachers Podcast

Listen live each Sunday at 9:00 pm eastern at www.blogtalkradio.com/psychicteachers  for Deb and Samantha Fey’s informative and entertaining free podcast.  We offer psychic information to a weekly audience of over 10,000 and growing every week.  You also can hear archived shows free on iTunes where we are on the “Hot Podcasts List”!


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